Issue and Options Outcomes Report

Issues and Options Outcome Report

Appendix 1: List of Respondents to the Survey by Type

Appendix 2: List of Consultation Event and Venues

Appendix 3: List of Sites Responses Received Against Specific Sites in Questions  64, 65 & 67 

Appendix 4: List of Consultation Deposit Points

Appendix 5: Detailed Response Analysis by Question


The Central Lancashire Local Plan Issues and Options consultation ran for 12 weeks from Monday 18th November 2019 until Friday 14th February 2020. The consultation was in the form of an Issues and Options Document, supported by a series of detailed Annexes, 4 of which contained information on the site suggestions received for each of the 3 Councils. 

We received over 1,600 responses to this consultation which have been logged and reviewed by the Central Lancashire Local Plan team.  The responses received have been used in the preparation of a consultation outcomes report, and will be used to help develop the Preferred Options Document.

Alongside the main questionnaire a youth questionnaire was completed receiving over 600 responses  the findings have been published in a separate report here.

Updated on 22 June 2023