
The Central Lancashire partnership will identify and engage at an early stage with all those that may be interested in the development or content of the Central Lancashire Local Plan, including those groups who may be affected by its proposals but who do not play an active part in most consultations. Those communities contemplating or pursuing a neighbourhood plan will have a particular interest in the emerging strategy, which will provide the strategic framework for the neighbourhood plan policies. We will also need to ensure that the plan works proactively with other authorities on strategic cross boundary issues in line with the duty to cooperate.

Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 sets out specific bodies or persons that we must notify and invite representations from in developing the Local Plan. We must take into account any representation made, and will need to set out how the main issues raised have been taken into account. We must also consult the Strategic Environmental Assessment consultation bodies on the information and level of detail to include in the sustainability appraisal report.

Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires plan making authorities to produce a Statement of Community Involvement, which should explain how they will engage local communities and other interested parties in producing their Local Plan and determining planning applications. These are available on the respective partner planning policy pages as below:

Statements of Community Involvement

Check our timetable for details as to when our next consultation will take place, or join our mailing list to be the first to find out when one is launched.

Updated on 07 November 2023