Supplementary Planning Documents

The Central Lancashire Core Strategy (also known as a Development Plan Document) is supplemented by the Local Plans for the three Authorities (see further details below) as well as a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).

The SPDs add guidance in specific policy areas. Unlike Development Plan Documents (DPDs), SPDs do not require independent examination before they are adopted, but they must be prepared in consultation with interested parties.

The purpose of SPDs is to provide guidance on the interpretation and implementation of relevant planning policies, such as for affordable housing provision, particularly those in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Local Plans of each of the respective authorities within it.

Each authority also has their own area-specific SPDs relating to their individual Local Plans and not the Central Lancashire Local Plan, consult the respective planning policy pages for Chorley, Preston and South Ribble for more information.


Affordable Housing

This provides advice on how the councils' affordable housing policy as set out in Core Strategy Policy 7 (Affordable Housing) is to be implemented. It includes guidance on the range of approaches, standards and mechanisms required to deliver a range of affordable housing to meet local needs.

Controlling Re-Use of Employment Premises

This sets out the councils' approach to dealing with development proposals involving the re-use of existing employment premises and sites. It develops Core Strategy Policy 10 (Employment Premises and Sites) by setting out a balanced criteria based approach, including marketing and an assessment of the viability of employment use, under which all proposals for re-use will be assessed. It sets out the requirements of a marketing strategy and provides a marketing checklist.

Rural Development

This sets out the councils' approach to development in rural areas. Core Strategy Policy 13 (Rural Economy) sets out a number of specific ways local planning authorities may help to achieve economic and social improvement in rural areas. This guidance sets out specific considerations relevant to particular land uses including employment, tourism, equestrian development, community facilities; recreational development, and re-use, replacement or extension to buildings in the countryside.

Design Guide

A key objective of this document is to raise the level and quality of design of new buildings in the built environment and in doing so reinforce its unique character. This provides an overview of the design principles the Councils' will employ when considering planning proposals. It covers residential, commercial, public realm and shop-front developments as well as proposals for new infrastructure. The particular Core Strategy policies which relate to design are Policies 16 (Heritage Assets), 17 (Design of New Buildings), 18 (Green Infrastructure) and 27 (Sustainable Resources and New Developments)

Open Space and Playing Pitch

This provides advice on how the councils' will implement open space and playing pitch policies, including guidance on provision standards and how they will be applied. Core Strategy Policies 18 (Green Infrastructure), 19 (Areas of Separation and Major Open Space) and 24 (Sport and Recreation) are also relevant to this SPD.

Biodiversity and Nature Conservation

This relates to Core Strategy Policy 22 (Biodiversity and Geodiversity). This explains the Councils' approach towards conserving, protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity.

Employment Skills

This SPD has been driven by an aspiration to see additional benefits (known as social value) incorporated into housing and other development opportunities. Social value is defined as "the additional economic, social and environmental benefits that can be created when the Council purchases a good or a service from an outside organisation, above and beyond the value of that good or service". By integrating social value at the planning stage of a project, this can result in significant ‘added value’ benefits to the residents of Lancashire, particularly in the area of employment and skills (to which this SPD relates). It will also contribute to the Lancashire Employment and Skills Strategic Framework, which details the employment and skills needs within Lancashire. Core Strategy Policy 15 (Skills and Economic Inclusion) is also relevant to this SPD. 

Updated on 06 January 2023