Central Lancashire Local Plan - Library of Evidence

To support the Central Lancashire Local Plan, each respective council will be updating key evidence documents such as those for strategic housing, employment land availability and assessment and land needs assessments.

Check back for evidence documents that will be made available in this section once they are completed.

We will ensure that the Local Plan is based on adequate, up-to-date and relevant evidence about the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the area. Our strategies for housing, employment and other uses must be integrated, and that they take full account of relevant market and economic factors.

Check our timetable for details as to when this page may be updated and for the relevant deadline for this stage of the Local Plan.

Part One

A number of pieces of evidence have been prepared at the Lancashire Level on behalf of all Lancashire Councils. This information covers the areas of the economy and environment/climate change and is of direct relevant to the plan.  Information from this work will assist in the development of the Central Lancashire Local Plan .

Information on the documents produced around the environment and climate change can be accessed from pages hosted by Lancashire County Council.

Tackling climate change in Lancashire - Lancashire County Council

Information on the economic evidence is hooted by the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership and the documents can be accessed via the link below.

Reports - Lancashire Independent Economic Review (lancashireier.org)