Part One

Ref Document
CHSD - Submission Documents
CHSD1 Employment Land Study

The Central Lancashire Employment Land Study (July 2022) This report provides an Employment Land Study for the Central Lancashire. The study was commissioned to provide an up to date and proportionate ‘Update’ of the Central Lancashire Employment Land Study, produced in 2017 by BE Group. The Employment Land Study Update aims to support the emerging Central Lancashire Local Plan and consider the Covid 19 Pandemic, changes in national planning policy, Brexit, and their impact on the local and sub-regional economies. In detail, the Study aims to:

  • Review updated national, county, sub-regional and local guidance, with a focus on where key guidance has changed since 2017
  • Consider the available socio-economic data, at the UK, regional, county, sub-regional and local level, which has been updated since 2017 and particularly which illustrate the impact of Covid-19 on the local/sub-regional land and property market so far and what the longer term impacts may be
  • Provide an updated high level understanding of the local/sub-regional property market in the rapidly changing conditions
  • Update the Functional Economic Market Area Analysis through email contacts with adjoining local authorities.
  • Undertake a high level review of the Central Lancashire employment land supply
  • Provide updated employment land forecasting, including modelling of jobs growth which, as much as possible, takes into account the changing circumstances of 2020/2021
  • In light of the above, provide a review of the Conclusions and Recommendations of the 2017 Study and identify the scale, location and type of demand for employment land and property in Central Lancashire over the study period.

The evidence will be used to support the development of Local Plan documents for Central Lancashire. It meets the requirement, set out in paragraph 158 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


CHE - Evidence Document
CHE1 Open Space Assessment Report

Central Lancashire's Open Space Assessment Report was prepared for the three authorities making up Central Lancashire (Preston City Council, Chorley Council and South Ribble Council). It provides detail with regard to what open space provision exists in the area, its condition, distribution and overall quality. This document sets out the findings of the research, consultation, site assessments, data analysis and GIS mapping undertaken as part of the study.

Published: Summer 2019.

CHE2 Playing Pitch Strategy Assessment Report

The three Central Lancashire authorities of Chorley, Preston and South Ribble commissioned this report to assess outdoor sport facility needs across the individual local authority areas. It will provide the necessary robustness and direction to inform decisions affecting the provision of outdoor sports facilities and playing pitches within each authority and will result in the production one assessment report and one strategy document. Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) Assessment Report. It presents a supply and demand assessment of playing pitch and other outdoor sports facilities in Central Lancashire in accordance with Sport England’s PPS Guidance: An approach to developing and delivering a PPS.


Published: Summer 2019.

CHE3 Chorley Open Space Standards Paper

This is the Open Space Standards Paper prepared for Chorley Council. It follows on from the preceding Open Space Assessment Report. Together, the two documents provide an evidence base to help inform the future provision for open spaces in Chorley. This study is intended to assist in the Councils process of reviewing its adopted Local Plan for the area. Given the potential scale of growth in the area, and the implications such growth may have on existing provision, it is important for the Council to have clarity over existing levels of open space and what types of provision should be delivered. This document helps identify the deficiencies and surpluses in existing and future open space provision up to 2036. In addition, it should help inform an approach to securing open space facilities through new housing development and help form the basis for negotiation with developers for contributions towards the provision of open spaces.


Published: Summer 2019.

CHE4 Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan

This is the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) and Action Plan for Central Lancashire which incorporates the three local authorities of Chorley, Preston and South Ribble and their partners. Building upon the preceding Playing Pitch Assessment Report it provides a clear, strategic framework for the maintenance and improvement of existing outdoor sports pitches and ancillary facilities.


Published: Summer 2019.

CHE5 Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment

Arc4 was commissioned to undertake the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) on behalf of the three authorities within the Central Lancashire partnership; Preston, South Ribble and Chorley.

The GTAA analyses the latest available evidence to identify the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople across Central Lancashire. The GTAA has comprised a number of evidence sources to map out current provision and future need.


Published: Summer 2019.

CHE6 Preston Retail Study

White Young Green was commissioned by Preston and Chorley Councils in 2018 to undertake a Retail and Leisure Study covering the Central Lancashire Region. A separate Retail and Leisure Study has already been prepared on behalf of South Ribble Council in 2017.

The Study acts as an evidence base to assist in the formulation of future development plan policy within the new Central Lancashire Local Plan.

The paper includes the accompanying document: Appendices to the Preston Retail Study

Published: Summer 2019

CHE7 Preston City Transport Plan

The Preston City Transport Plan presents a long-term strategy for reducing congestion, providing for better public transport, and transforming the city and the wider sub-region’s streets and spaces. 

It recognises Preston’s recent economic growth and future significant development ambitions, and its importance at a sub-regional and pan-Lancashire level, including the city’s inter relationships across the Northern Powerhouse and nationally.

With a 20-year vision, it looks further into the future, setting out an ambitious programme of proposals to transition the city from a car-dominated network to a multi-modal network, reducing congestion and bolstering productivity, with added inclusivity, and helping Preston to become an ‘accessible’ city and a healthy environment to live, work and play.


Published: Lancashire County Council, 2019.

CHE8 Strategic Housing Market Assesment

GL Hearn (GLH) and Justin Gardner Consulting (JGC) were commissioned by Preston City Council, Chorley Council and South Ribble Borough Council to develop a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA). The purpose of the SHMA is to develop a robust understanding of housing market dynamics, to provide an assessment of future needs for both market and affordable housing and the housing needs of different groups within the population.

The SHMA does not set housing targets, instead it provides an assessment of the need for housing, informing housing targets which will be set in local plans. The SHMA forms part of an evidence base in considering whether housing targets should be reviewed, but any review of the housing targets set out in local plans, or in this case in the Central Lancashire Joint Core Strategy, if required would need to take into account factors such as the supply of land for new development, Green Belt and other nationally and internationally significant landscapes and environmental designations, local infrastructure capacity and environmental constraints as appropriate.

CHE9 Integrated Appraisal (AI) Scoping Report - Iteration 1 Consultation Outcomes Report

The initial Draft Scoping Report Iteration 1: Consultation Outcomes Report (August 2019) was sent to the three statutory Strategic Environmental Assessment Consultation Bodies with environmental responsibilities, as well as to neighbouring authorities and other appropriate consultees, in accordance with Article 5(4) of the European Union Directive 2001/42/EC Regulations, set out in the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. The consultation was also publicised on this website, and the consultation ran from 12th August until 7th October 2019, for a period of 8 weeks. All consultation responses received were considered, and were used to inform the IA. A summary of all responses and subsequent alterations to the Scoping Report can be found in this consultation outcomes report..

CHE10 Integrated Appraisal (IA) Scoping Report - Iteration 2

The framework set out in this Integrated Appraisal (IA) Scoping Report (Iteration 2, October 2019) follows the prescribed structure for SA process in national Planning Practice Guidance, and will be conducted at relevant points throughout Local Plan development, to provide a balanced and inclusive assessment and better informed Local Plan. It identifies the relevant plans, policies, programmes and objectives to inform the IA and the Local Plan; baseline information; key sustainability issues and problems; and an IA framework consisting of objectives, against which the Local Plan will be assessed as it evolves. It can be used to test the evidence underpinning the plan and help to demonstrate how the tests of soundness have been met. It should be noted that IA is an iterative and on-going process, and therefore stages and tasks may be revisited and updated or revised as the plan develops, to take account of updated or new evidence as well as consultation responses. The IA framework for the Central Lancashire Local Plan will include three separate but complementary assessments:

  • Sustainability Appraisal (SA) / Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA):

Sustainability Appraisal is a systematic process that must be carried out during the preparation of the Central Lancashire Local Plan. Its role is to promote sustainable development by assessing the extent to which the emerging Local Plan proposals and policies, when judged against reasonable alternatives, will help to achieve relevant environmental, economic and social objectives, as well as a means of identifying and mitigating any potential adverse effects that the plan might otherwise have. Section 19 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires any local planning authority (in our case, jointly done through the Central Lancashire partnership) to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal of each of the proposals in a Local Plan during its preparation.

  • Health Impact Assessment (HIA):

To assess the effects of the Local Plan on the health and well-being of the population and its ability to access health-related facilities and services. This also addresses equalities issues and has some overlap with Equalities Impact Assessment.

  • Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA):

To assess the effects of the Local Plan in terms of equalities issues, with a particular focus on disadvantaged or excluded groups of people. EqIA helps identify where we can promote equality of opportunity.

CHE13 Chorley Retail and Leisure Study

White Young Green (WYG) was commissioned by Preston and Chorley Councils in 2018 to undertake a Retail and Leisure Study covering both administrative areas and the wider Central Lancashire Regio (A separate Retail and Leisure Study has already been prepared by WYG on behalf of South Ribble Council in 2017), this is the Chorley paper.

The paper includes the accompanying document Appendices to the Chorley Retail Study.

These appendices to the main document compromise:

  • Appendix 1 - Study Area Plan (page 2)
  • Appendix 2 - Experian Goad Classification of Retails and Service Uses (page 4)
  • Appendix 3 - Chorley Town Centre Health Check (page 6)
  • Appendix 4 - Chorley Town Centre Diversity of Use, Vacancy and Boundary Plans (page 20)
  • Appendix 5 - District and Local Centre Health Checks (page 24)
  • Appendix 6 – District and Local Centre Diversity of Use Plans (page 104)
  • Appendix 7 – Household Survey Questionnaire and Results (page 134)
  • Appendix 8 – Quantitative Assessment (page 452)
  • Appendix 9 – Gap Analysis Plans of Chorley (page 506)
CHE14 South Ribble Retail Study

White Young Green (WYG) was commissioned by South Ribble Borough Council in August 2016 to undertake a Retail and Leisure Study for the Borough. This study is a stand-alone one within the Central Lancashire partnership as Preston and Chorley would later commission their own joint retail study in 2018, which can be found above.

This study includes an accompanying document, the Appendices to the South Ribble Retail Study.

CHE15 Central Lancashire Housing Study 2022

DLP Planning and Edge Analytics were appointed by the Central Lancashire Authorities (Chorley Council, Preston City Council and South Ribble Borough Council) to prepare a Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) for the area. The objective of the study was to identify the level and distribution of future housing needs across Central Lancashire for the period 2023 to 2038.

CHE16 Green Belt Designations Study 2022

LUC was commissioned by the three Central Lancashire local authorities (Preston City Council, South Ribble Borough Council and Chorley Council) to undertake strategic assessments of how land in the area:
 contributes to the Green Belt purposes as defined in paragraph 138 of the
 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
 demonstrates valued landscape characteristics (including the identification
 of any areas where landscape quality can be considered of ‘above ordinary’ value);
 provides landscape settings which are important to the character of
 settlements; and
 maintains gaps between settlements in the Preston City Council area that are not designated as part of its Open Countryside (policy EN1) area.

CHE16 App1 Green Belt Designations Study Appendix 1

Green Belt Designations Study Appendix 1

CHE16 App2 Green Belt Designation Study Appendix 2

Green Belt Designations Study Appendix 2

CHE17 Landscape Designation Study 2022

The study prepared by Land Use Consultants (LUC) on behalf of the three Central Lancashire Authorities provides, at a strategic level, a proportionate, objective, transparent and consistent assessment of Central Lancashire’s landscape in terms of these three roles.

This study undertakes a strategic-scale analysis of landscape qualities across all open land within the Central Lancashire area

The assessment includes a 'value evaluation' which reviews various aspects of landscape value and summarises the key landscape qualities and/or elements/ features/ areas of value within each LCA, noting any distinct strategic-scale variations within the LCA. Each assessment also records whether an area is considered to have ‘above ordinary’ landscape value. This terminology reflects the
language used in the TGN’s definition of a valued landscape as being above ‘everyday landscapes.

CHE17 App A Landscape Designations Study Appendix A

Landscape Designations Study Appendix A

CHE17 App B Landscape Designations Study Appendix B

Appendix B to the landscape Designations Study

CHE17 App C Landscape Designations Study Appendix C

Appendix C to the Landscape Designations Study

CHE18 Central Lancashire Density Review

Hive Land and Planning were commissioned to undertake a study into the densities delivered across sites in Lancashire under the adopted plan. The aim of this work is to understand what densities we have delivered, what typologies are relevant across Central Lancashire for considering density levels, and to consider the approach to densities to be set out in policy through the new Local plan.

The Study aims to provide each of the local authorities a means by which to justify the assumptions around the proposed capacity of a site for inclusion as an allocation within the emerging CLLP, based on evidence from sites consented and developed in recent years

CHE19 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 Main report

SFRA Level 1 - Please note this document was completed prior to recent changes to PPG and a review of this work is planned for early 2023


This document includes a number of appendices as listed below

Appendix A

Appendix B Index map 1

Appendix B Index Map 2

Appendix B Index Map 3

Appendix B Index Map 4

Appendix B Index Map 5

Please contact team for specific map tiles for Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F - available on request due to number of files

Appendix G

Additional sites screening

CHE20 Preston Housing Needs and Demand Study

Housing need and demand statement for Preston City Council

CHE21 GTAA Update 2022

This is an update to the 2019 GTAA. It provides an updated position on need across the three council's and the approach to delivering transit provision. 

CHE22 Chorley Housing Needs and Demand Assessment
CHE23 South Ribble Housing Needs and Demand Assessment (2020)
CHE24 Central and West Lancashire Rail Study
CHE25 Central Lancashire Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan - Stage E Report
CHE26 South Ribble Housing Needs and Demand Assessment (2022)