Local Plans

These Local Plans are part of the Statutory Development Plan for each respective partner authority within Central Lancashire.


Chorley Local Plan

'The Chorley Local Plan (adopted 2015) identifies the scale of development in each settlement and allocates sites to meet the development needs of Chorley up to the period 2026 in order to achieve the vision for growth as outlined in the Core Strategy. The Local Plan identifies key local issues and provides a set of policies to manage change which will be used by the Council to determine planning applications. The Local Plan is in general conformity with the strategic objectives of the adopted core strategy.'


South Ribble Local Plan

'The Local Plan (2012 – 2026) forms part of the statutory Development Plan for South Ribble. It identifies and allocates land required over a 15 year period in order to achieve the vision for growth as outlined in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy. The Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on 22 July 2015.'


Preston Local Plan

'This Local Plan was adopted by resolution of Full Council on 2 July 2015. It is a Development Plan Document produced under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (as amended) 2004. The Preston Local Plan forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Preston. The role of the Plan is twofold:

The Preston City Centre Plan is an Area Action Plan, and sits alongside the Preston Local Plan. It was adopted on 30th June 2016.

Preston City Centre Plan

'Preston City Centre is the main retail and service centre in Central Lancashire, and is ranked first in the Lancashire Sub-region for non-food shopping. It is a centre for commercial and administrative activity and is home to a major university. It has a railway station situated on the West Coast Main Line offering excellent commuter links locally and nationally.

Given this wide-ranging role, planning positively for the future of the city centre is crucial 'Preston is open for business'. The plan will provide a framework to deliver our aspirations for the city centre.'

The plan is split into four parts and has a policies map for reference:

Updated on 07 February 2024